Thursday, February 26, 2009

Funny Things

Funny things happen in one's life. At least you have to laugh so you don't get too upset. My car has been a laugh maker for quite awhile. I finally got it running and winter came back with a vengence. Freezing drizzle and light snow yesterday and so I didn't want to take the car this morning so I walked to the post office. I was almost there when I saw the icy patch. Being very careful I tried walking around it. Naturally I didn't make it- down I went. I managed to get up and finish the trip to and from.
Then this afternoon started the snow. Our county warned people to stay off the roads as they were impassable. Joy Joy.
The good Lord kept me from a bad injury but I know I banged my knee.
I am so glad I canceled those doctor appointments this week. I'm glad I can still see the humor in life's little problems and not get overwhelmed by them.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Car Runs!

I drove to the post office today. Yea!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Good Day & Good Neighbors

First one calls and asked if I would like to go for a ride to store 10 miles away. I said I would love to.
Second one calls and asked if I would like to go up to check on my battery and get new one if I have to.
I called first neighbor and canceled. I explained why.
Second neighbor takes out old battery so we can get it checked. He puts it in the trunk of his car. We go up to WalMart. His wife does her shopping and we go to automotive. Yes the battery is bad. One dead cell. So we go to the shelves and look for a new one. Naturally cheaper ones are gone, I had to get one at the highest price. Typical February thing. Short month but there always seem to be extra bills. When we get back he puts new battery in car. It starts. It is a cold car and I didn't see sitting in car for ten minutes so it would idle without someone in car. We didn't have anywhere else to go. So tomorrow will be the test.
Can I get up,get it started and go. I really hope so.
I also cancelled the appointment I had in Marquette for this coming Thursday.
So I did accomplish some thing today with the help of neighbors.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

This and That

Well winter is back in force. This hermit will need to slink back in her hole to stay safe. My car isn't running so I don't have to worry about being on the road.
The bone test says my bones are okey. One son says they break because I am a clutz. I don't argue with that because there are days i feel like a clutz.
Since the doctor had his nurse call and let me know that I cancelled my appointment with him for this week. I'll go see him in a month. I also am going to cancel an appointment I have up in Marquette because it is 100 miles away and it is going to snow.
It is for a check up on my loop recorder(checks heart rythm). I can't say I am fond of appointments in winter or if I don't see any need for them. I know thats not the best attitude but IT'S MINE!
Now for the computer. I am learning how to use this one and get to where I want to get to. There are a few things I haven't got to yet but in time I am sure I will find a way. There are a lot of icons I don't know or understand but I don't have to. I love having enough knowledge to do what I do on this computer. It has allowed me to speak with people all over this world. Sometimes I can let off a little steam when I am upset. I have an angel teddy bear sitting next to my computer to remind me to watch what I say. It has saved people from a few rants.
Have a great weekend. Stay warm and safe. God Bless.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


One son sent up a new computer; another son came up and hooked it up for me. He also took me up for a bone test.
He also brought up my wee ones for a brief visit. My grandson also came up. I feel very blessed.
The flu still has me feeling very tired.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I am feeling better. I have no energy but the other bad parts of the flu are gone. I had a flu shot and I am so glad that it helped me not get any sicker than I was. I am being careful so I don't get it back.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Highs and Lows of the week

My one son came up started my car and then we went up to do my wash with 2 of my greatgrands. He showed me a way to get to see some of my messages. I then had the youngest great grand 3 weeks old here for a couple of nights. You start to question What is sleep?
Another son called and told me he had a different computor for me. A newer model. What a joy. I can't believe how much a computor can mean to your life. :o)

Then flu came! It is a good thing that adults can go 24 hours without eating. I am praying that today will be a good day.

Have a blessed week.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Sometimes you just have to laugh!

There are times in life when things are not going right. You just have to laugh and ask what next. My car wasn't running and yesterday it finally was running and I planed to go do laundry today. LOL I had a flat tire. the car hadn't run for almost a month. I figured warmth would help it to run. Battery was dead. Tire was inflated too late for me to go.
My e-mail stopped working and I was up to over 50 messages in my inbox. Today I finally went over to a friend's house and deleted over 40 messages.
So I was sitting in my house with no e-mail , no car waiting for it to warm up so I could check at post office for my mail. I finally walked down to the post office yesterday and got my mail after a week. The mail box had more mail than it has had before.
But at least it is above freezing and if I don't have a flat laundry can get done. To get upset is really useless, at this time the way the world is; my problems are big to only me when I let them be. When you seem to be carrying a heavy load you have to watch out because thats when more trouble will come and get you. There has been a few other problems in my life lately but none I care to share. One day I will look back and think that was a crazy time in my life.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Well my computer is old like me and now the e-mail part is acting up. So just like me it has to change some of its functions.
My address and phone book has disappeared and now I don't have ready access to my kids. I moved all the furniture in my living room. My back let me know that I shouldn't have done it but today it isn't hurting as bad. Would you like someone to look under your couches? I was pleasently surprised by the lack of things under them. I found more under my lift chair.
This to will pass.
Have a great week! Joyce