Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Broken bone

Well now I know I not only have Gout but I have a broken bone in my foot. I have to wear this thing on my leg for a month.
The Gout is getting better but now I have to get the bone healed.


Anonymous said...

Gout is controllable by food and drink (no alcohol, no inards and so on). I have to take a pill each morning for this thing. It was once discribed as "a storm in the toe". Sorry to hear that a bone is broken but it will grow together in awhile.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you know what it is and that it is fixable! It will be annoying, but definitely worth it in the long run.

Tammy said...

Owie, hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

Tammy said...

Owie, hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

alphabet soup said...

Ouch!! No wonder your foot hurts so much. Gout and a broken bone. Rest up Joyce.
Ms Soup

Jodi said...

Joyce I hope your body soon heals! I know how important healthy feet are for a diabetic.

About putting off going to the doctor ...I am so with you on that - lol. I don't know why I do it, but I do.

Take care!

Blessings~ Jodi

TO BECOME said...

Joyce, I am the one who told you, that you might have gout. I am sure sorry to hear that you do. It is the most painful thing that I have ever had in my life. It is caused by having a high uric acid level in your body. I, too, take a pill every morning but I still on occasion get a lighter version of gout and it does not last as long but it still hurts for a few hours. If you eat too much protien that can bring it on, but so can stress, low barametric preasure and there are other things. In my family the uric acid always runs high they don't know why. I wish God's blessings on you. Sometimes after you have your first episode it want come back for years. It was 5 years before I started having it very often. I hope your never comes back. I hope the broken bone gets alright. connie from Texas

Anonymous said...

Oh no, you poor thing hope that the bones mends quickly.

My granddad suffers from gout on occasion, the thing is he eats very healthily and doesn't drink alcohol much at all, so I'm not sure what causes it.