Thursday, September 13, 2007

4 Gen. Day

My son came up so I could get to do laundry and shopping. The added benifet was he brought up my 7wk. old greatgrandbaby. She is so adorable and a bit overloved(spoiled) But how can you overlove? My son helped with the wash-putting clothes in the washer then in the dryer even folded some of the clothes. I can't say I did too much of it. I played with Alexis.
The down side was the teasing I got from my son and from my grandson. They said maybe i should use wheel chair or electric cart at Walmart. But my grandson said no to the electric cart because I would probably run into people or things. I did walk and not fall!!!! My son could not believe my face. Oh well I just stated that if I was going to do something I had to do a good job of it. (I wish I hadn't) I"m not sure when my face will get back to normal.
"What did you do?" is the way I am greeted now.
I am blessed!


Mimi said...

sorry I missed a couple of days checking up on you... but I did pray for you both days as well as this morning...
I take it that your face is still showing the effect of your big fall...
so you figured that if you were going to fall you would make it worth your while...
Kiss that Great Grandbaby and love on her enough to make the boo boo go away...

Anonymous said...

Aww it's true you cannot overlove! And lol at the electric cart, there are some elderly ladies in my village who have the little motorised scooter/carts and they are daaaangerous! I think they rather enjoy being dangerous though ;)

Mimi said...

Good morning Joyce,
just stopped in this evening to let you know that I prayed for you today...
I hope you are still enjoying your great grand baby... but I suppose they may have gone back home...
I'll stop back by tomorrow.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

They only stayed one day. That little girl is so sweet. She acts like she has Colic. When I think of my boys I think of colic to. I wish she would be here more even with the colic.
I have started to change colors on the side of my face. And the black and blue traveled over my nose to the right eye. When I look in the mirror I see how much the Lord has protected me.
Thank you for your prayers
There is no way I would have taken a cart to use. I can still walk but you couldn't tell. I blame this fall on a old pair of shoes that allowed me to stub my toes. The shoes are no more. If I am seen wearing them my neighbors would get upset with me.
Hugs to the both of you.

Mimi said...

Good morning Joyce...
We had a wonderful day at church... it was our 51st anniversary so we had a pot luck lunch after church...
One of the little ladies locked her keys in her car, so I walked out with her to make sure she could get inside, she had one with a combination on the door so she got inside and I found the keys for her down in front of the seat...
I told her not to fret so much because I had another friend who had no car, so she could not even get to church!... she said she would pray for you too...

Now you have at least 2 ladies praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Love your neighbors, good people ...

Just dropped by to wish you a good week!