What is worse- a physical wound or sickness OR an emotional hurt? How do you respond to someone with these hurts? I believe there is a difference in responses. Some people can't respond to emotional hurts. They think they are less important.
Sometimes physical wound or sickness can produce and emotional hurt too especially when it's something major.
It's hard to always respond to an emotional hurt in the right way because everyone is different, some like to hide away and pretend nothing is wrong and some like lots of fuss and hugs. I reckon the only way to deal with it is to pray that the Lord gives the right words/actions when the need arises.
I think emotional hurts are worse than physical wounds and illnesses. a broken bone may heal, a broken personality ... ? How to respond to a person who was or is amotionally hurt or abused I do not know. I do ofcourse, in real life and in electronical life, there is no receipe.
One must understand, but I can not understand humans fully who were f.e. abused sexually, because I have not these experiences. I know how it feels to loose persons close to oneself, family and friends. I know how Angst feels, real deep fear, and I know depression. But no receipe. In the end there are no right words.
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