Monday, April 28, 2008

Fun Day

Today I had company. The pastor and his wife from the early 80s. Arline and I had kids that chumed around. They went to the school at the church. When my mom died Arline went with me to make arrangements and the meal after the funeral was at their house. My dad laid on their couch and took a nap. When my dad woke up, he was looking for something to eat and they opened their refridge to get dad something.
We talked of old times and fun times. We talked about different people from back then and when we couldn't think of a name I remembered the year books my son has upstairs. Pastor enjoyed seeing the pictures of him and his wife and kids. And looking up the name of old friends. He saw when his daughter and son graduated from high school. His daughter has a daughter that is graduating from college next month.
It was such a sweet time. We went out to lunch and then they had to start home. This was really a blessed day.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Well today I thought I would see the electrician but I saw a tech who checked my implant and its recordings of my heart rates.Nothing to worry about was seen. I was asked what I was doing around 1:30 to 2:00 monday afternoon. I said I was weeding and she said my heart rate was up to 125 and that was good exercise as long as I knew when to stop.
Well the equipment works so I wll have to go back up there in 3 months for another check. Joy Joy.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Well I guess I better let you know I am still around. I haven't gone back to the electrician yet about my implant. The only thing I have accomplished is getting a bug. The beautiful days we had I spent indoors. I still have snow in the big drift in my back yard. It was one of the towns places to pile the snow.

Hope you all are having a blessed time.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Well from rain and snow mix it changed to all wet heavy snow. I hope my tulips that are up a little bit don't get hurt. They sure are covered. I finally got all the snow off my front yard and now it is all white again. Friday we may get some more snow. After a 60 degree day last week - snow isn't really appreciated by many except me so I could get out of going to doctor.
Another case of watch what you wish for. Have a great week. God Bless.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Answered prayer?

It was pretty obvious that my appointment on Wednesday was not something I was looking forward to. God answered my unspoken prayer. That day they may have 6 to 10 inches of snow in the place we have to go. The storm starts with rain then snow with Lake snow coming off Lake Superior. This lady doesn't travel in that kind of weather. I canceled because of the weather. My son was surprised when I called him and told him I cancelled. The nurse set a new appointment for me and after saying that not in one week, we set it for the 23rd. Hopefully the weather will be better.
Thanks God! Even in little things HE is there. We had 60 degrees this weekend and my front yard lost 95% of its snow. The back yard still has plenty. We may get more.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Electrician for the Heart.

Today I received a letter reminding me of my appointment with the clinic in Marquette for next week. I was surprised as when I left there they said come back in April. April has 30 days and thats when I was going to make the appointment. I guess they knew I was not in a rush to talk to them. This implant has caused a few problems for me and it will be good to get some answers. But I never turned it on since I haven't fainted. It is readable from a distance and so I don't know.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Mother Nature's April Fools Joke

She did have a good one! All the schools around are closed because of snow and ice we received. My front steps railings have about 5 inches of snow on them. They had to plow the roads and they are plowed but have a layer of ice. Joy Joy!
That is what living where I do means. But I can remember when I took my first snow day while working. It was in the middle of May. Hope you all have a great day. God Bless