Wednesday, March 21, 2012


We are setting warmth records. Trees are budding and plants are starting to rise. Sitting outside on my porch is wonderful. But I keep thinking of the snow and cold we can still get. It takes a little of the pleasure away.


Sarah said...

Blossoms are starting to come out near us. Spring has sprung! Chatterbox has seen our first bee of the year too.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

One good thing, my yard hasn't turned into a wading pool with water two inches deep or more. The large drifts are all gone and melted. Even if we go back to more snow we will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Frohe Ostern, dear Joyce!

Anonymous said...

Actually I'm freezing my arse off in Middle Franconia. It's too cold and too dry, the farmers say they'd need 30 liters on the squre meter now, rightnow. The fields really are looking a bit, well, un-green.