Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Beauty of Fall

We still have the color even if faded. It reminds me of the great things that God does. I have been on the road more lately and have seen the beauty more. When I ride the senior bus I can look around more. My work for the coming couple of weeks is planing insurance coverage for the next year. With the prices, I have to plan to do the best I can not knowing what will happen with medicare and all the politics surrounding it. My complaint is the stores with all the Christmas displays up. We are still waiting for Halloween and Thanksgiving.


Raine said...

It is scary not knowing what will happen with Medicare. I hope that all of us have adequate affordable coverage somehow someway.

Anonymous said...

Aw, manners! I am sorry for dropping by so late, already the 6th, Three-King's-Day: But let me wish You a Happy New Year, Joyce: Gesundheit, Glück und Gottes Segen for You and all Your family!

Anonymous said...

Thank You for your latest comment, Joyce - it's been along time since I heared from you. I hope this finds you well!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joyce, I hope all is well with you.

Anonymous said...

Come Back !

And Merry Christmas and a Happy New year ! :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Joyc,

you just mentioned a shortage of propane gas at the Squirrel's place. Hey, what about nice fireplaces, and logs and stuff ?
I hope you stay warm in your house until spring comes around !

Anonymous said...

Damn: I misspelled your name - I am sorry, excuse me please.

Anonymous said...
