Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Bean or Green Pea

That is what I will do tomorrow. I hope to get 2 pots of soup done. I had to go up to get my Rxs so I stop at store to get the beans and peas. I can't wait. I would start the pea soup now but I am short of storage places and I don't want to put it outside with all the cats running around out side. I wont share my soup ,at least not with those cats. Snow covered views are #1 but soup is a close second for the good things about winter.


alphabet soup said...

Yum!! Soup!! With my blog name the idea of soup always sounds good to me. I'm curious about what beans you will be using?

Joyce's Ramblings said...

They will be navy beans. They make a good soup. I have them soaking right now. I just hope I make a nice pot. I have been known for looking for pots because I have gone overboard with ingredients I also want to make split pea soup.

Anonymous said...

I like navy beans! I also like split pea soup. Sounds good, Joyce!