Since it hasn't been above zero for the last few days I have been staying in the house. Yesterday afternoon a plane with over 150 people on board landed in the Hudson River. It was without power because some birds hit the engines of the plane.
The pilot did a perfect landing at a perfect place. Ferrys were there in minutes. The people were wet but were standing on the wings of the plane. Afew were in the water. The plane was surounded by ferrys,coast guard,fire boats all helping in the rescues. Everyone survived. The pilot is being called a hero. Naturally this is the story of the morning.
Can you see God's hand in this? The perfect time of day,the water very smooth and plenty boats available. The pilot known for his knowledge of safety in flight.
God had it all worked out!
At this moment it is -13 here. It may get up above zero today but with wind it is not going to be to good. I went out this morning with my garbage bag and things for recycle. If they can come and get it I can get it outside. Otherwise I will have to wait 2 weeks. Don't want to keep it that long.
Have a great day knowingGod has it all worked out.
I watched about that plane on the news. It's amazing, thank God that everyone is OK.
Keep warm.
yes, God certainly had everything under control as he used that skilled pilot to orchestrate His will in the outcome of the plane water landing...
I hope you stay warm...
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