Saturday, January 24, 2009

Can you figure this?

Yesterday my sister had 88 degrees at 4pm. Today at 7am I have -8 degrees. That is 96 degrees difference. With wind chill we would have a difference of way over 100 degrees.


Anonymous said...

That is a big difference!

Anonymous said...

and are still in WI. :) ha, ha. well, your family is here and that is important. :)

Raine said...

WOW! how far apart are you?

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Raine, My sister lives in the middle of Texas
Cabcree, He he so are you! :o)
Sarah, We got extra cold and she had extra warm.

Jodi said...

I wouldn't want it to be 96 degrees (had enough of that growing up in Florida), but I don't think I want the minus 8 either! Yikes.