Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tagged-Oh my,

Katie has tagged me. She is expecting a good one???? I am very much out there so I can't really think of much people don't know about me. Some bad I will always keep hidden from the blog for the sake of my children. So here goes:

1. I was so afraid to learn how to drive because my tries at young age wre not sucessful. When I took drivers ed as an adult I wouldn't want to make a left turn on to the highway. When I got my license I let my dad drive home, I was too stressed.
2.When I was around 12 my second cousin home from a tour over seas gave me a bottle of French Perfume. I had it less than 24 hours. I couldn't leave it alone and I dropped it in the bathroom. Stinky!!!
3.I once toured the morge(sp) with my Science class. We also toured Medical school. We saw bodies on slabs where the students were taking the legs and arms apart in layers. When they were working on the inside of the torso thay covered it up. The freezer shelves had rows of heads. Another stinky place.
4. I once received a printed invitation in Spanish to my neighbor's son's circumcision and the party after. I made an excuse not to go. I remember the fancy carved chair for the Rabbi.
5.I enjoy walking around places I haven't been to. I enjoyed Chicago. I didn't have fear or did I walked with my mouth opened.
6.I heard about a court case I had to go see. It seems there was a peeping tom looking into my bedroom. A neighbor chased him and caught him. The neighbor's wife let me know about it shortly before itwas to start. I never said a word.
7.I had a bed room set that was over 100 years old when I was 17. A 3/4 bed,small dresser,3mirror vanity with stool and a wooden straight chair. Ugly green with birds painted on the drawers. Oh to have it now. When I came back home it was gone.
8.I like Bill Gaither's homecoming shows. I watch them each week.

Are you still awake?


Anonymous said...

Yes, I am still awake. I saw the morgue here, will never forget the perfume. Especial Formaldehyd - it makes me sick.
I am sorry to be curious, but I ask you: When did you visit Chicago (5)? And from where came you home from, when the bed room set was gone (7)?
I do not want to offend you and if you do not want to say something more than just let it be. It's simple curiosity.

Tammy said...

Oh, my! #3...if that had been me, I would have had nightmares for the rest of my life!!!

#4 I laughed out loud!!!

Very interesting list! =)

Jodi said...

Oh ~ This was a fun list to read!

#1 My mom's best friend wanted her to go along as a support when she got her license. Then she talked my mom into giving it try, too. Best friend failed for the third time; my mom passed without really knowing what she was doing! Mom has never enjoyed driving.

#2 I have two little ladies (7 and 11) in my house that love to primp and would have worried that bottle to its early demise as well ~ lol!

#3 and #4 I'd have passed ~ I don't think I could have done either! I weep and pray whenever I have to send my boys off for their circumcision ~ ugh!

#5 Sounds like fun (you know I love to explore - lol)! I've never been to Chicago (hubby has).

#6 Did it make you nervous after knowing that this had happened? Peeping Toms are so creepy!

#7 What a neat memory ~ was the set a family heirloom?

#8 I'm not a regular viewer, but I do enjoy watching these occasionally. My dad is a huge Bill Gaither fan.

I'm so glad you did this, Joyce; it was fun getting to know little snippets about you! :o)

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Our visit to the morgue ended real quick when a med student bumped into a classmate while holding a head in his hand. I turn down alot of get to gethers but I say when God throws the party I'll be there.
Ipassed first time to but don't know why.Iwas between trains so I left station and walked around
Chicago. The set was a gift from my parents. Ilost it when I left home as a wife. When you live on an army base,peeping Toms don't scare you.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Mago, I visited Chicago between trains. The bedroom set was sold when my parents moved. I was in the Canal Zone.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Jodi said...

Thank you for your answers, Joyce. Military bases do make one feel safe don't they? :o) My hubby was in for a little over six years.

Anonymous said...

okay, I'm weird...I'd have loved the morgue! I don't ever, ever want to watch something die. But the curiosity of dead things has always been interesting.

This was fun! I'm so glad you did it!

Anonymous said...

I agree, #3 must be a very spooky memory!

#6 I hope the peeping Tom was noone you knew!

Your list was fun to read.