Friday, August 17, 2007

No News

Whats the line--No news is good news.? Well that is just what is going on in my life now. I did spend some more time with my greatgrand babies. I'm thankful it's limited time. I stand back and wonder how I ever made it through with my four boys.
Tammy was extra sweet and thoughful to me. Check her blog and see her beautiful cake. Yum Yum.
I am suffering from cabin fever with no car but I am keeping up with my laundry by borrowing a car. All this time I have and I know I am not using it as well as I should. Say a prayer that I get with it.


Anonymous said...

Children are demanding. Any time.

Mimi said...

I know what an inconvenience it is to be without an automobile... so I am including you with my prayer time that you will adjust to the inconvenience and find peace...
I know you enjoyed your grand babies...

TO BECOME said...

I think it is hardly with children when we haven't done it in a while. I know even when one of my grandchildren has a baby and I hold it my arm is sore for a few days. But when I had little ones I could carry two at a time and my muscles never got sore. Glad you are doing well and not being ill. connie from Texas

Jodi said...

Joyce, I was thinking about you and thought I'd just pop in to say hi. Are you still without a car? Praying for you and hoping you are well. Hugs and blessings to you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind comment.
In the moment new month just brings new costs. And new cancellations or refusals. It gets a little, I am struggling to keep it together. Think I will work in the vineyards next week.

Mimi said...

Joyce I've been concerned about you with no car... are you doing all right ? I check your blog every day to see if you are able to be out and about... you continue to be in my prayers

Mimi said...

Good morning Joyce...
you were one of the very first ladies to comment on my blog... so I feel like you are one of my first "friends"
I know you are not blogging much these days... but I am stopping by each morning just to let you know I am praying for you
today is Sept. 4th and I prayed for you this morning.

Anonymous said...

Hei Joyce - how's it goin'? The vineyards have to get along without me - still. The 2007 will become a pretty good one, maybe not too sweet. I hope this finds you well, no troubles with your legs, family doing good? Do not want to be (too) curious; just let us know what's on.

Mimi said...

Good morning Joyce
just popped in to say Hi and tell you that I prayed for you this morning
How are your grand babies ?

TO BECOME said...

Joyce, I hope you are doing alright. I have been having a lot ot trouble and pain with my hip so I am not able to sit at the computer as much but I think of you often. I pray things are going well for you. connie from Texas

Mimi said...

Good morning Joyce...
just my morning visit to say Hi... and tell you that I prayed for you this morning...
one day I am going to see a new posting on your blog... and I will know that my prayers are being answered because Joyce is feeling better able to face the world again
God Bless You!