Yesterday while checking thrift shops I saw a old wooden cradle. It had a gentle rocking motion and a solid mattress covered in brown material. I loved it and thought what a shame it was there.
To me it represented love and caring for a baby. Not fancy,no net, no metal, no bright paint just comfort and safety. But it seems today that old things don't mean much. You have to be modern colorful and not necessarily safe. It has to wind up and rock or swing automatic. Many don't seem to have the time to gently rock a baby.
Old and elderly don't get the respect they used to get. Now to get respect you have to go along with the ways of the young. They made it this far and they know what is right for them. The fact that we made it that far awhile ago doesn't enter their minds. We know of pit falls they can't even know exist.
1 comment:
"We know of pit falls they can't even know exist."
And sometimes in a black hour, I think, yeah - kick them into the pit.
Seemingly any generation - and any individual - has to make a certain amount of mistakes by themseves.
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