Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sadness Abounds

This world has run amok. So much sadness,so many problems, so many people arguing about this and that then Norway comes and shows that it isn't really important who votes what and who gets what. WHEN WILL WE GET IT? When will we put people and their needs first not I can not lose this argument. I"m right they are wrong.


Anonymous said...

I suppose in the end, the world will never really know peace, selflessness and justice before Christ's return. Until them, we can only act as salt to the earth but we will never put an end to the rot.

Anonymous said...

I do not now whether there is a plan or something. Sense - it may be grasp-able for a human or not, hopefully from a GOd's point of view.
Looking at history I see humans doing things, some very good, some beyond any human level, inbelieveable things.
As historian I understand and conclude that it is all in us, the good, the evil. I know that I met the evil, can not describe it, but I felt it. I think for those who act it is a way of loosing the humanity inside oneself; a kind of giving in, allowing the black fascination, kind of stepping out of the human - and cultural - understanding: They step over boundaries.
I think they experience it as a kind of liberation from cultural, religious, philosophical boundaries. People who step there feel free and set themselves absolute, they are in a delirium, a kind of madness that allows them to explain all and everything, the whole world and the whole cosmos - with themselves as agents, as heroes, god-sent. I only hope that those "choosen ones" are very rare.
The attitude you describe - "I am right, you are wrong" - I do not believe we will get rid of it.
Maybe this IS just a way station ...

Raine said...

How did Norway show that?

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Raine, Norway didn't show that. The polititions in Washington showed that.