Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech

Sometimes things happen that simply overwhelm me. So much sadness. So much stupidity. I want to scream!!
Get to God. There is nothing that He can't handle. We live in a world that needs God.
I think about all the senseless deaths in this world. I can pray and I do and there are so many to pray for.
I also cry.
Tonight give your loveones an extra hug and pray an extra prayer for them.


Anonymous said...

And give yourself a big hug Joyce for being wonderful. Hugs.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Sarah, I need a hug once in awhile.

Jenn said...
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Jenn said...

Yes it is amazing anyone is still sane in this world anymore. Sorry if that sounds bizarre but it was a weird feeling that hit me in my sorrow over this senseless destruction. Thankfully God is our anchor or we'd all lose it completely.

I am in prayer for each person/family struck by this tragedy, and also for the gunman's family. I can only imagine the lonlieness that must find them in their situation right now.

TO BECOME said...

Oh, I do love my family and I feel so sorry for the loss and death and trouble and problems of this world and I know except for the grace of God, there go I. We have to look to the Lord in times like these. consider youself hugged, Joyce. May God bless you, connie from Texas