Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th

Well another 4th is here. Parades and fireworks all over the place. Every night you can hear the noise of someone lighting up and enjoying them. There is history to support our celebrations and for us to be proud of our country and what we stand for. But lets also remember the people overseas who heard the noise and saw the fireworks this last week. I can't understand the WHY. How doctors could be involved in these acts.


alphabet soup said...

I think it's not about what you do, it's about the 'cause'.. and apparently that comes before all else sadly.
Ms Soup

Anonymous said...

Do you mean the doctors involved in the attempted terrorist car bombings in the UK?

We were at a party at church when our Pastor found out about the burning car crashing into Glasgow airport lounge (a tiny departure lounge at a tiny airport). He was overcome and rushed to his office. His daughter, a dear friend of mind, was in Glasgow and we thought she was waiting at that very moment to catch a flight.

We soon had a call from her, she was fine. She had managed to get an earlier flight, and get this her flight took off at the very moment the car crashed through the glass doors of the departure lounge. God's hand was on her life. Not only was she kept safe, she avoided witnessing the man on fire falling from the car, and she even avoided the inconvenience of her flight being cancelled (all flights immediately after were cancelled).

But as our Pastor said: "what about all the other people there, my child is safe but someone else's child was in danger".

Any religious belief that suggests that God wants people to wantonly kill and endanger the lives of innocent people is sickening. I'm glad I serve a loving, merciful, just, gentle, caring, mighty, wonderful Father in Heaven who sent His only Son to die and atone for our many sins. Only by the grace of God and the blood of the Lamb can we enter His Kingdom, only. The only true God.

Hope you had a wonderful 4th July.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Ms Soup,
Doctors take an oath to save lifes not take them.
Two of the doctors were making arrangements to come to U.S. to study.
The doctors seem to be from all over but to try to do the U K and Glasgow airports does not make sense to me. Attack the innocent to prove a point
makes me think that there is no validity in their cause.

Anonymous said...

I did not understand why the Gasgow-airport was attacked. It is kind of warfare, I do not like it but it is and has it's own logic. So why attack an seemingly "province"-airport? I have the bad idea that it was something like a reminder, like "we are here and could do much more". Or it was a test. Or I am paranoid.
These people obviously kill in the name of their god. I am not a religious man, but I learned that God is love. The christian message is the base of our culture - "ours" is seen as Western Europe, Northern America, Southern America, Russia. The Islam is not that kind of unified block the media wants us to see it. There are lots of differences - say from my turkish neighbours to the people in the Red Mosque in Islamabadh these days.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

I don't claim to know a great deal about Islam but I know this that Islam now is not peace and love and don't hurt. I remember wars from the 1940s till now and I have yet to see anybody gain a great deal. In some cases it is hard to see who won the war. People don't value life and don't value the differences between us. There are people who gain from war but it isn't the little people its the ones on top with power but not necessarily with sense.

Anonymous said...

Well said!