Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Three Strikes Your Out

Well if that Is true things should change for me but I doubt it. I lost my good friend and travel companion in April. I lost my transportation in June. I lost my pastor also; he transfered to a different church. He is going to Illinois. I am going to miss him. Nothing I said to him shocked him. At my age I know that Proverbs 31 I'm not. I have a long way to go but I always felt comfortable with him. I have seen alot and dealt with alot of the world because I had to. He would pray with me and for me.
I am going to miss that.
But life goes on and I know that I not dealing with more than others and probably not as much as some I know. God has given me the ability to deal with things but sometimes I get tired of dealing and the tears flow. But they never solved a problem or gave me a solution. Sometimes I want to just stamp my feet and scream. Sometimes I just sit in a daze. And sometimes I curse nothing solved then either. Oh well , what you gonna do when you get in a blue funk?
Have a great day-tomorrow is a new one. I'm going to try to not mess it up.


Anonymous said...

Proverbs 31 - words to Lemuel, hm verses 6 and 7 fits to me last weekend (I translate freely: 6. Give booze to the sinking and wine to the bitter. 7. Drink and forget.) - but I am sure that is not where you wanted my attention turn to. From 10 on the picture of the "tüchtige Frau" is given - obviously she's working from morning to evening while her man hangs out with the "conceil", must be a senator.

"Three strikes - your out" has a german parallel - when two things happen, there is a third to come (Was sich be-zweit, be-dritt sich). In my family we found this to be almost true. The loss of your friend and companion, the un-availability of your pastor (to what church do you belong?), and finally no more car - I think you had your three strikes now.
Say, what can I do for you?

Anonymous said...

Forgot one - do you mind me putting on my site in "The chosen few"?

Mimi said...

they always say when live gives you lemons make lemonade...
I am Jodi's mother and she tells me how strong you are,so I know that you will come through this spell of bad luck with a solution that will make all things work to the good.

Anonymous said...

Big bear hugs winging their way across the seas.