Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Well the tests are done and now I wait for the results. I have to wait until the end of the month. Strange thing and something to think about: I was injected with radio active solution two days. Having an xray for 15 minutes would be dangerous and doing it 2 days in a row. There is no radiation from the machine. It is all from me. I would like to see those pictures. Glad they are over with but knowing I had prayers and good wishes from people helped.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you glow in the dark ... well, that HAD to be saied! :)

TO BECOME said...

Joyce, I am glad the tests are over for you, am still praying all has gone well. Have a good day. connie from Texas

Mimi said...

did you feel like superman when you was injected with all the radioactive dye? :-)
I am so glad for you that the tests are over... now we will pray for good results...
Be Encouraged...

Anonymous said...

Just drop by to say hello. Sunday is over, next week will give us snow, got a cold.
I hope you are all right and the test results too.
Have a good week!

TO BECOME said...

Just stop by to say hello and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Have a great week. connie from Texas