Monday, April 07, 2008

Answered prayer?

It was pretty obvious that my appointment on Wednesday was not something I was looking forward to. God answered my unspoken prayer. That day they may have 6 to 10 inches of snow in the place we have to go. The storm starts with rain then snow with Lake snow coming off Lake Superior. This lady doesn't travel in that kind of weather. I canceled because of the weather. My son was surprised when I called him and told him I cancelled. The nurse set a new appointment for me and after saying that not in one week, we set it for the 23rd. Hopefully the weather will be better.
Thanks God! Even in little things HE is there. We had 60 degrees this weekend and my front yard lost 95% of its snow. The back yard still has plenty. We may get more.


Jodi said...

Ah Joyce, you made me chuckle. Sneaking out of that appointment over a little 10 inches of snow ~ lol. ;o)
Smart move! And it's still going to be an **April** appointment. :o) And with the snow melting, flowers can't be far behind. It's all good!

Mimi said...

you are too funny...I think you put your own spin on that answered prayer...ha ha
just like you put your own spin on the "April" appointment...I guess the 30th of April is just as much in April as the 1st isn't it!!..
don't cancel the next one or you may have a fight on your hands with your son and the doctor..
I hope your weather does clear up nicely...and bring nice spring flowers...

Anonymous said...


Our weather is confused, it doesn't know whether it should snow, rain or shine. The daffodils are even more should be Spring!
