Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Good Bye Art

A good man went to join the Saints Friday. Pastor Coats was 77. I didn't know him long but you didn't have to to know he was a good man. He worked with the senior members of the church.
I see him in my mind having a great time talking things over up there. His family can be sure he is in a better place and may even be giving sermons or setting up get togethers and side trips. Your demeaner and smile will be missed.


Jodi said...

Joyce, I am so sorry for the loss of your "Pastor of Seniors." How beautifully you portray that, as a Christian, though you mourn your loss, yet you rejoice in knowing that he is indeed in a better place!

...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30:5b

TO BECOME said...

Joyce, I am sorry about the loss of your friend. I sure hope the gout is all better as well as the broken bone. I left a message on your last blog, you probably haven't see it yet. It is about my experiences with gout. I hope it is a help to you. connie from Texas