Friday, March 02, 2007


I see where blogs have birthday wishes. Well, I am wishing a Happy Birthday wish to my son Bill. He was born on Ash Wednesday March 3,1954 at Ft. Clayton hospital in the Canal Zone, Panama. He was delivered by a Navy doctor who was taking over for the Army doctors that were out celebrating Carnival. I never saw Zeb Barnes M.D. before tuesday night or after he delivered Bill at 7:05 a.m. The nurses shift changes at 7, so one shift did the work and the next one got credit for the baby. There were about 3 or 4 babies born that day. I always say I gave up being pregnant for Lent.
This birth took place 10 months and 20 days after my first born failed to live.
God IS good.


Tammy said...

Oh, I had to "gave up" being pregnant for Lent! LOL Too funny.

Happy Birthday to Bill! =)

TO BECOME said...

Happy birthday to your son and may God bless him and you. connie from Texas

Kim C. said...

Happy birthday to your boy! He's very close to my mom in age - just a few months difference.
So sorry about your oldest. Funny how such things are always in your mind. I don't constantly think or talk about our stillborn Sarah, but she is always resting quietly in a corner of my mind.