Monday, March 26, 2007

Good Monday Morning Not

I woke up to my cat retching up in my room. WATCH where you walk and turn on the light before you get out of the bedJoyce. The cat gave me warning(thanks cat). Clean up the messes.
Open front door and check for damage from the storm last night. The cornor is full of gravel--better take closer look.
My drive way is gone. The culvert is almost completely uncovered. I am so glad the town changed the the way the road is banked.NOT =( At least I know where the gravel is from-my driveway.
Another proof that life is not boring.


Anonymous said...

You had a driveway? ha, ha, ha. I wouldn't call that dirt/rock area a driveway, but that is me. =D

Oooo...John stubbed his toe good, did he tell you yet? It's black and blue.

TO BECOME said...

No, life is never boring and I hope your cat is better. sorry about the drive way. connie from Texas

Anonymous said...

Urgh I hate cleaning up cat vomit.

Hope you get your drive back :) Hugs.