Thursday, July 19, 2007

Surprise-Another Four Generation Day

My son had off today so last night he calledand offered to come up and take me where I had to go. This time he brought his son and his two year old grandson. So my house is four generation home for a little while. Littlest's mom is hopefully getting a little rest as she gets ready for her little girl being born on Monday. All is quiet up stairs so it seems the fresh air has got them all sleeping in. It doesn't work that well on me. Hope I hang in there with them when we start getting something done.


TO BECOME said...

I know it must be fun to have your children and grandchildren in the house. Hope everything goes well and you don't get too tired. connie from Texas

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Had a greatday. I did my wash, had a prescription filled and did grocery shopping. We ate breakfast and lunch out. My greatgrandson continues to amaze me how well he behaves and how much he loves his grandpa and how much my son loves him. I had planed to just wash the clothes and dry them at home but everything was going so well so I dried them.
Now you know that is not the end of the story--
When we got home my son noticed the bedroom screen was on the ground and the curtans were flapping in the breeze. Window was wide open.
Okey, my last cat? We went into the house and of course could not find the cat. Looked all over even opened a can of treat-no cat. I went over to the neighbors after my son left to ask if she saw Ginger. She said no. I stay there a few minutes and then came home. As I walked into the house there stood Ginger. I thought life at this age was to be boring-No Way!

Anonymous said...

And lol at your cat. Looking for cats requires patience and extra sensory perception, they have magic powers that mean they become invisible and usually after searching the house from top to bottom you decide they must have magicked themselves out of the letterbox and gone out for the night they reappear at 3 in the morning and set the burglar alarm off. When my cat disappears I have this uncanny feeling she's watching me from some secret hidey hole enjoying herself thoroughly.

Glad to hear you had a busy day.