Saturday, November 04, 2006


As a mother of boys now men I watch a great deal of sports. Today I watched part of the Wisconsin-Penn. State game.
At the end of the first half Wisconsin took off a great number of seconds off the clock by going off side and did that twice in a row so you knew it was not an accident but a planned play. There is a loop hole with a new rule on the kickoff after a score; it changed when the clock starts to run and Wisconsin gave the ball to Penn State with so few seconds they couldn't do anything. Joe P. Penn's coach was so upset and Wisconsin coach just smiled. The young coach had seen the loop hole and used it. Joe P. was livid and the side line judge was given an ear ful. I guess the thing that bothered me was that smile on Wisconsins coach. He called legal plays but did he have to gloat?

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