Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sure Its Bright And Sunny

This afternoon my son came over to see if he could fix my mower. No luck so he loaded it in his truck and we headed for the next town 9 miles away. Like the tittle says bright and sunny so lets go. We had gone about 8 miles and we are caught in a down pour with pea size hail. We pull into the yard and the man runs out. I stay in the truck;man moves his vehicle and puts other things away while it continues to pour. Son finally comes and takes mower off the truck and parks it in man's yard. We have to get windows clear so he can see. When he can see we back up with my window open for clear view of the road. We pull out and the road is flooded and the truck has 6 foot wake on both sides of truck. We keep going and suddenly we can't see anything but water. We have to keep going so not to be rear ended. Then we hydro plane. Rain finally stops and when we make it home it is bright and sunny. It didn't do anything while we were gone. Interesting way to spend a day-NOT. Weather is powerful!!!


the johnson crew said...

wow, that is amazing. what a drastic weather distance.

isn't God powerful!

Anonymous said...

I hope you had no wet feed! Why do you say it was not an interesting day? - Adventure, enjoy every minute - you even have to do nothing!
We finally have some rain around here, its gentle and all and much needed. Thunderstorms are in the North and West, some hundred miles away: We seem to come away lucky, its all good for the wine, maybe it will be an extraordinary harvest.