Monday, June 11, 2007

Sarah---Bend In The Road

According to her blog she has Shingles and they are causing her problems. I have never had them but a friend has.
I ask that you remember her in your prayers. It can't be easy for her with two young ones.


Anonymous said...

ooo...those hurt! I've had those. Thankfully we caught it quickly and it didn't spread to far.

TO BECOME said...

I will pray for her. My husband has had them twice and they are certainly no fun. His was around his waist. connie from Texas

Anonymous said...

Aw Joyce that is so sweet, I saw your comment on Jodi's. The pain is fairly horrid but the doctor's given me some good pain tablets to help me sleep. A friend has taken my little one to our church toddler group so I've had a quick blog today.

Hugs for your sweet prayers and thank you! These shingles are horrid and painful. It explains why I've been so exhausted though.

I feel blessed Joyce, thank you.

Jodi said...

Oh, Joyce, I saw this post, and my heart just feels for her. My sister had these a few years ago; they are painful!

I'm so glad to read Sarah's update here. It sounds like she still needs our prayers.

Thank you for keeping me posted, Joyce.