Monday, September 17, 2007


A new week. Last week my flowers were froze out. This week it will get back into the mid to upper 70s. The trees are turning colors. Such a beautiful time of the year. Tomorrow my ex boss is coming down and we are going out for lunch.
I usually went up to Michigan for lunch but now with no car she is coming down to my town. She hasn't seen my face so I am happy it isn't as bad as it was. Hope every one has a great week. Hugs


Mimi said...

It's great that you are going to get out and have a nice lunch with your X-Boss... sounds like you ladies are really good friends... so you can have a real enjoyable day...
enjoy yourself but don't eat too much
Have a great week..
remember I prayed for you this morning

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Joyce:
Ich möchte Dir ganz herzlich zum Geburtstag gratulieren und wünsche Dir Alles Gute, Glück und Gesundheit!

mine is on the 4th. I did not write about it, just in some comments; it was a time of mixed emotions.
I will enjoy this autumn, maybe there will be a golden october, I like that.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Thanks for the good wishes and know they are coming right back at you. About 20 miles from here there is a park loaded with golden trees. If you go 10 miles there is a spot where you can see all different colors. Its amazing that there aren't more accidents there with every one looking at the trees.
Remember each year is a gift and we can strive to make each one better.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joyce, thanks for your sweet comment on my site. I'll still stop by your blog once in a while to see how you're doing.

Have a lovely lunch with your ex-boss!

Look after yourself, lots of hugs n' prayers,

TO BECOME said...

I was so pleased to see a comment on my blog a few moments ago. I am so glad you are up and about. Now I come over to visit and see you have had a fall. I am so sorry and hope you heal quickly. It is so good to see you blogging more.

I hope you enjoy your lunch out with you old boss. Have lots of fun and be careful. love you, connie from Texas