Wednesday, October 22, 2008


It amazes me how I can go from being so blessed to so frustrated when something doesn't go right. The good Lord has some work to do with me. I am a very fortunate woman and there are so many people that have more to deal with than me.
BUT I fail when things are not right or at least what I think are not right. I know I lost alot of tolerence for "normal people" when I worked with development disabled and saw what they could do and how they acted compared to the "NP".
That isn't an excuse. Is it my age? Am I just losing my ability to fight the fight or walk the walk?
Know this I am trying to improve and with God's help I will.


Anonymous said...

I suffer with frustration when I know I should be peaceful and trusting too. I suppose it's all part of the human condition and with God's help we can overcome it. Lol, but sometimes people can be just toooo frustrating! ;)


Anonymous said...

I guess it comes simply with age. I do not have that much patience I used to have earlier. I want people to do and not discuss much. There is time to discuss, but after a decision was made one should act - and not ask again and again. Don't know whether I understood you right on this.