Friday, June 29, 2007


Well today I went up to get a gift for the man next door. He turned 84 today. I wanted just something to acknowledge his birthday.
The car I bought to save me from frustration started to give me grief. The transmission would work fine then not work then work. Point B was looking far away. Then when it came to going to point A again it didn't want to run smoothly. After I got on the highway it started to run smooth. I hate the thought of never being sure but we will see. Oh, the joys of it all. I guess I will be home bound.
Good Part: I found a beautiful light blue pull over shirt on sale. And the man likes it.


Anonymous said...

That is a good thing that your neighbour likes the gift.
I do not know much about cars. Maybe it stood still for a time and needs simply to be moved - like a horse :) But I do not understand horses either.

Tammy said...

Sorry to hear your car isn't doing so great! That's no fun.

Glad you found a nice gift for your neighbor!

alphabet soup said...

Oh Joyce, I hope that car doesn't give you too much bother. Cars are fine when everything works well but when everything doesn't work well they are not so fine!!

Ms Soup

Joyce's Ramblings said...

The car did sit quite awhile and the former owner checked it this morning and set I needed trannie fluid and he suggested getting something that will give the seal hope. He named two different things that would help. So its a case of wait and see. I sure dont need a second car to go.

Jodi said...

Joyce ~ Praying it is as simple as the seller indicates and you're back in wheels soon! I am glad you were able to bless your neighbor on his birthday; how thoughtful.

Anonymous said...

Hallo. 4th of July coming soon - what are you doing on this day? Hope you have clear and sunny time, here's all grey, rainy and cold -in July! Did your cat show up or deceided to stay away for a little longer?
Sorry, do not want to step on your nerve with silly questions, just want to say hello.

Anonymous said...

I've had car trouble too this weekend, very different though.

Glad that your neighbour liked his gift.
