Saturday, December 26, 2009


I just deleted a post I had put up. It was a rant and I probably didn't sound too good. But don't we all get disgusted at the news lately? At this time of year it isn't easy to look at all the hate and bad things going on. This cold and the way it makes me feel doesn't help either.
I guess I need to pray more and have more hope in the new year and the power of God. There were no comments so I either shocked the reader or no one read what I posted.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about your post, I didn't see it on your blog but it showed up on my Google Reader. We all need a good rant sometimes.

As for the state of the world, if only we could all really take to heart the real meaning of Christmas - God's gift to us and Christ's sacrifice to come. He is the 'reason for the season' of course, but the gift didn't just end there.

Here's to a peaceful New Year!

Anonymous said...

hear you...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Joyce, I missed your post - why not ranting from time to time, sometimes it's a must. If praying helps ... this evening I was with Charles, the older colleague, a very spiritual man. He talked about his faith. I feel like crap, like a coward and deserter "leaving him behind".
I will write about this when its over, in the new year.
What happened Saturday? Currently I do not see daylight, or for just two hours, started at dawn and had to go rounds after normal shift, this being the first night I come home "normal", sorry I'm just done.

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

What! Did I miss a good rant?!?! I don't think I have ever read a post where you indulged in ranting.

Anyway, I do hope you are feeling better and may God grant you a blessed new year.

Raine said...

AWwww I missed it ! Everyone deserves a rant now and then. Its good for you