Monday, May 31, 2010

Efforts- Good- Bad-and Finished

That is how my day went. I dug up the last stone I wanted out. It took about 5 or 6 tries to finish the job but it is done. Land needs to be leveled but there is time. The stones need to be moved but not in a rush to finish that job.
Do you ever use spray paint? Do you like it? What do you do when it doesn't spray like it should? I needed to paint my large milk can that decorates my front porch. So I put it in the driveway where I can paint just it (or so I thought). Found out quickly spray was not working right. Did I quit- not on your life. My hands were full of black paint so finish the job. It was just a little windy so now I have speckled legs and arms. Oh Joy! It's so much fun to be a klutz. The can is painted and now the job is to get into the house and getting the paint thinner.
I managed to do that and went outside to wash up with the thinner and a old rag. So glad its a holiday and no one is around to see me clean up. Got the paint off of me and then went back in to clean off the paint thinner.
You know thats not the way I wanted my day to go BUT I did the job-only hurting my pride.
So it was a beautiful day. Had time to remember the fallen and accomplish something.


Anonymous said...

All went well, a bit sprinkled, but well. Here its rainingrainingraining, I hope next Thursday will be a bit better, its Fronleichnam and I'd like to go out on the country a bit.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

I hope you will be able to mark the day Mago.

Anonymous said...

bet it feels good to get it done though. :)

Anonymous said...

I invite you to a meme on my blog.